Quality, environment & Energy

Fleximark AB works actively and purposefully with quality, environmental and energy management.
A natural step in our working process has been to prepare a quality management and environmental management system, with a well-developed operating policy for our work with quality, environment and our work environment.
Our systems are adapted to the quality standard ISO 9001, the environmental standard ISO 14001, the work environmental standard ISO 45001 and the energy standard ISO 50001 and we are today certified according to these standards.
Fleximarks product range complies with the EU directive "RoHS" requirement. Products produced and delivered by Fleximark is also controlled under the EU REACH directive.
Quality- and Environmental policy
Fleximark AB is a producer and supplier of marking systems for cables, wires and components that must fully meet the customer's expectations.
We must earn and maintain our customers' trust as a partner by being trust-inspiring, responsive and innovative and delivering the right product, at the right time, at the right price and with the right quality. The product range and operations must be constantly developed, which stimulates systematic work with improvements focused on the customer's needs, the employees' well-being and commitment as well as streamlining the way of working from a life cycle perspective.
Fleximark works systematically to prevent and reduce negative environmental impacts. We follow and apply environmental legislation and other requirements that apply to our operations. Our overall environmental goal is a continuous improvement of the management system and our environmental work to protect and reduce the impact on the environment and use resources in a sustainable way. Our biggest focus areas are our products and transport, recycling of waste and the market for energy efficiency. In our daily work, we must take into account cycles and the environment by, among other things, minimizing the use of chemicals and being frugal with our energy consumption.
We must cooperate with and influence other actors such as our suppliers, transporters, customers and authorities for a sustainable use of resources.
We must advise our customers regarding the environmental impact of our products, as well as, where applicable, provide environmentally friendly alternatives.
All employees must be involved in our quality and environmental work.
Energy policy
Energy policy of Lapp companies certified in the matrix according to DIN ISO 50001*
With this energy policy, the participating companies are committing themselves to continuously reduce energy consumption and the associated C02 emissions in a sustainable manner and in compliance with the statutory requirements. This is done based on energy targets that are annually set by the top management. The basis for the target definition are the consumption and production data from the pastas well as the economic efficiency of the measure.
The energy policy is realized through the implementation of a complete energy management system in which:
- energy consumption is constantly measured and monitored.
- significant energy aspects are regularly recorded, reviewed, and communicated.
- energy flows are recorded and kept up to date.
- processes and activities are permanently reviewed, evaluated, and continuously improved regarding their energy efficiency.
- energy-saving measures are planned and introduced.
- opportunities and risks regarding all relevant requirements and interested parties are assessed.
- the results of energy-saving measures are recorded, analyzed and evaluated at regular intervals.
- the necessary resources and information are made available by the management to achieve the energy goals.
- energy-efficient products and services are procured.
The implementation of the energy policy requires the participation of all employees, service providers and all other interested parties. Employees are comprehensively informed and involved in the energy management program. This energy policy applies equally to all areas of the companies, all activities, and procedures to ensure the continuous improvement of energy performance.
If you want to know more about Fleximarks quality-, environmental- and energy work, contact us.