FLEXIMARK Software start programvara 01


I can not see the text on the label preview?


You are missing the text field on the label

for light version

  • Click on the empty label in the upper left corner
  • Click on Start and click "A Text"
  • Draw the text field on the empty label
  • The software will now choose text from Column

for full version:

  • Click on Start and click "Guide"
  • Choose how many rows you want and from which column the software should add text
  • Click close


FLEXIMARK Software table sequence programvara


How do I insert a number sequence without manual typing?



Use the "1..n" Sequence function under Table.

  • Make sure the table is selected
  • Click on "1..n" Sequence under Table
  • Type a prefix (text before the sequence)
  • Type a start and stop point of the sequence
  • Type a suffix (text after the sequence)
  • Choose how many times, copies, series you need
  • Choose which cell you want to start
  • Click ok


FLEXIMARK Software constant text programvara


Can I have the same text on one row on each label and a serie of text on the second row?



Yes, use the constant option for the first row and 1..n Sequence for the second row.

Constant text:

  • Click on the text field on the label template you wish to change
  • Choose Constant under start
  • Double click on the label in the label template and write your text. The same text will apear on every label.


  • See the previous question explaining the sequence function.